Lijst academische papers

Hier vindt u een lijst van (conferentie)papers die in review zitten en daarom hier nog niet integraal kunnen opgenomen worden. Het geeft wel alvast een beeld van de wetenschappelijke output van CSI Flanders. Het gros van de inhoud van deze academische papers, werd/wordt ook verwerkt in spotlightpapers.

Over hybridisering en ondernemerschap in middenveldorganisaties


Suykens, George, De Rynck & Verschuere, 2018, “Compliance or Decoupling? Do self-acclaimed nonprofit enterprises behave business-like?”, presented at the 47th ARNOVA conference in Austin

Suykens, George, De Rynck & Verschuere, 2018, “Drivers of nonprofit commercialization: resource deficits, institutional pressures or organizational contingencies?”, presented at the 47th ARNOVA conference in Austin.

Suykens, De Rynck & Verschuere, 2017, “Exploring the link between forms and causes of non-profit organizations becoming business-like: evidence from a multiple case study in Flanders”, presented at the 46th ARNOVA Conference in Grand Rapids. 

Suykens, De Rynck & Verschuere, 2017, “Exploring the link between forms and causes of non-profit organizations becoming business-like: evidence from a multiple case study in Flanders”, presented at the annual EGPA Conference in Milan.

Suykens, De Rynck & Verschuere, 2016, “Commercial heads, social hearts? Organizational changes and effects of civil society organizations becoming more business-like: a literature review”, presented at the annual EGPA Conference in Utrecht.


Papers in review (A1 journal)

Suykens, George, De Rynck & Verschuere, “Drivers of nonprofit commercialization: resource deficits, institutional pressures or organizational contingencies?”

Suykens, De Rynck & Verschuere, “Environmental pressure or organizational ability? Examining the influence of organizational characteristics on nonprofit commercialization”


Papers accepted for publication (A1 journal)

Suykens, De Rynck & Verschuere, “Nonprofit organizations in between the nonprofit and market spheres: shifting goals, governance and management?”, accepted for publication in: Nonprofit Management & Leadership



Over de relatie tussen middenveldorganisaties en overheden

Pauly, R., Verschuere, B., & De Rynck, F. (2018). Living apart together? A mixed-method study on local governance in Flanders. Presented at the ARNOVA’s 47th Annual Conference, Austin (USA).

Pauly, R., Verschuere, B., & De Rynck, F. (2018). Towards a disorganised welfare state? A study on arrangements of hierarchies, markets and networks in a corporatist context. Presented at the ARNOVA’s 47th Annual Conference, Austin (USA)..

Pauly, R., Verschuere, B., & De Rynck, F. (2018). Steering civil society towards the market? A mixed-methods study of the governance arrangement of WISE in Flanders. 2018 EGPA Conference. Presented at the 2018 EGPA Conference, Lausanne (Switserland).

Pauly, R., Verschuere, B., & De Rynck, F. (2018). Steering civil society towards the market? An analysis of organisational strategies in the governance arrangement of WISE in Flanders. Presented at the 14th Trans-Atlantic Dialogue, Bucharest (Romenia).

Pauly, R., De Rynck, F., & Verschuere, B. (2017). Disentangling The Institutional Complexity Of Government And Civil Society. Presented at the 2017 EGPA Annual Conference, Milan (Italy).

Pauly, R., De Rynck, F., & Verschuere, B. (2016). The relationship between government and civil society: a neo-Gramscian framework for analysis. Presented at the 2016 EGPA Annual Conference, Utrecht (Netherlands).


Over personeelsbeleid in middenveldorganisaties

Szekér, L., De Witte, H., & Lamberts, M. (2019). Commitment oriented HR practices, work engagement and innovative work behaviour among civil society employees: mediation by intrinsic work goals. Will be presented on 7th International Self-Determination Theory Conference (SDT2019), 21-24 May 2019, Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands.


Szekér, L., De Witte, H., & Lamberts, M. (2019). Effective HR practices in civil society organisations: the importance of high-commitment HR practices and intrinsic work goals. Will be presented on 19the EAWOP Congress (EAWOP 2019), 29 May – 1 June 2019, Turin, Italy.

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